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My name is Donna Bregman and I am the Place2Be school counsellor here at Caterham High School.
I am here to help support you with any concerns you may have with regards your mental health or anything that you are finding difficult to manage at the moment. At various times in our life we may need a little extra support to help us work through particular life issues – for example bereavement, exam stress and anxiety, difficult peer or family relationships and low mood to name a few.
Caterham High School and Place2Be are working in partnership to offer you support, in a safe and confidential space, with any concerns you may have with your mental health or anything that you may be finding difficult to manage, however small it may seem.
We value each individual young person and believe that offering a variety of interventions and support in a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space enables you to explore and express any difficulties and challenges you may be facing.
Sometimes it is not always easy to talk about and share how we feel, so we offer you the opportunity to explore and express your feelings in a variety of ways. We can work creatively with art materials, use therapeutic games and tools that can elicit conversations – whatever works for the individual and meets their specific needs.
We offer a self-referral service – Place2Talk which runs across lunchtime.
To access the Place2Talk service please complete a Place2Talk slip, available from the school office, Heads of Year, PCC, Safeguarding office, Sixth Form office or direct from the counselling room (situated in the music/science block).
Once completed post the slip into one of the Place2Be post boxes situated outside the counselling room, near to the Library, Sixth Form and near the reception area.
I will contact you as soon as possible either via your school email or through direct contact to arrange a day/time to meet.
If you feel you would benefit from a longer term intervention we also offer a weekly 50 minute appointment – to access this please speak to Mr Casey, e.casey@ecaterham.net or safeguarding@ecaterham.net
My days of working are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 8am and 4pm. Please continue to use safeguarding@ecaterham.net outside of these times or if more suitable at any time.
Please drop by with any questions you may have about the Place2Be provision at Caterham or if you are just curious!
If you feel that you, or a friend may benefit from taking part in some school counselling then you can speak to Ms Bregman, Mr Casey or email Safeguarding@ecaterham.net for more information.