Art - Curriculum Statement of Intent
It is our ambition to develop all students’ ability to think imaginatively and creatively, equipping them with the skills to communicate visually in a range of materials and processes. We intend to provide an inclusive curriculum for Art and Design which aims to realise the full creative potential of all students to become independent creative practitioners. Developing core practical skills, critical understanding of the context and meaning of artworks and an understanding of how to read and use visual language and equip all students with the cultural capital to be successful in life, appreciating human creativity and achievement.
The curriculum aims to ensure equality of access to powerful and memorable learning opportunities by adapting the curriculum to address the needs of all students by pedagogical approaches and support. Our aim is that all students achieve ambitious outcomes and that students learn knowledge and concepts that help them make sense of themselves and the world we live in.
The curriculum is designed using excellent subject knowledge to motivate and engage all pupils and provide equality of opportunity for all. Programmes of study have an emphasis on developing a creative mindset through using oracy to develop higher order thinking skills, experiential learning through doing practical work and reflecting in a structured way. Programmes of study are explicitly linked to exam board assessment criteria at all key stages and builds on the National Curriculum.
We recognise the broad range of pathways within the creative industries and aim to equip all students with the skills and attributes to ensure they are prepared for the next stage of education, employment and adult life. Programmes of study are designed using excellent subject and pedagogical knowledge so that all pupils can make outstanding progress.
The Art and Design curriculum aims to
- Develop students’ knowledge and ability in a broad range of practical skills using different materials and processes, providing parity of learning for all.
- Have a creative mindset
- Be able to communicate ideas and concepts visually
- Build critical thinking skills
- Instil resilience through sustained pieces of work and projects
- Help students make sense of the world we live in
- Become lifelong learners
We aim to develop confidence and independence when making creative decisions. This is done through sequencing of the curriculum with progression of skill development and delivering exciting and engaging content. By building core skills with a focus on increasing refinement and challenge we intend for students to be fully prepared for the next stage of their education and to be able to access the highest level of post KS5 provision when they leave the school.
At Key Stage 3, students study the following:
At Key Stage 4, you can read about the courses on offer in our Options Booklet
At Key Stage 5, you can read about the courses on offer in our Sixth Form Prospectus
For more detailed information about the Art curriculum, please email the subject leader Mr D Earl at