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Design & Technology/Food & Textiles
Design & Technology; Resistant Materials, Food and Textiles - Curriculum Statement of Intent
We believe that students deserve a Design & Technology curriculum which prepares them for the world they live in.
Design and Technology gives young people the skills and abilities to engage positively with the designed and made world. They learn how products and systems are designed and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including traditional and digital technologies, and how to improve the world around them. Food preparation and nutrition equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating.
We provide opportunities which allow students to develop a knowledge of a range of technology areas in KS3 including; Product Design, Textiles, and Food Preparation & Nutrition. Students will grow in confidence through dedicated teaching environments, manufacturing equipment and specialist teaching.
At the centre of the subject is creativity and imagination. Design & Technology is a subject which draws, develops and implements a range of different disciplines including mathematics, science, engineering, computing, geography, business studies and art. The subject embeds high quality literacy skills through analysis and evaluation techniques and mathematics through measuring, scaling, interpreting and presenting data, calculating materials and ingredients, reading technical drawings and understanding of common used symbols within DT.
As students progress to KS4 they choose an area within Design & Technology to study. In the chosen area, the subject allows for deeper study of the world they live in, potential career opportunities and with the skills developed at KS3 the confidence to task risks, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. The subjects encourage students to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems, within a variety of contexts, while considering their own and other’s needs, wants and values.

At Key Stage 4, you can read about the courses on offer in our Options Booklet
At Key Stage 5, you can read about the courses on offer in our Sixth Form Prospectus
For more detailed information about the Resistant Materials/Product Design curriculum, please email the subject leader Mr M Oakins at m.oakins@ecaterham.net
For more detailed information about the Textiles curriculum, please email the subject leader Ms S Buxoo at s.buxoo@ecaterham.net
For more detailed information about the Food and Nutrition curriculum, please email the subject leader Mr D Earl at d.earl@ecaterham.net
Useful Links
DT, Graphics, Product Design, Resistant Materials
- www.technologystudent.com
- www.wasteonline.org
- www.recyclenow.com/why_recycling_matters/recycling_symbols.html
- www.ethicaltrade.org
- www.fairtrade.org.uk
- www.design-technology.info
- www.dtonline.org
- www.designmuseum.org
- www.vam.ac.uk