
Mathematics - Curriculum Statement of Intent

Mathematics at Caterham High School is a subject in which students are able to recognise, and move fluently between interlinked mathematical concepts. Therefore, at Caterham High School our aim is to equip every student with the knowledge, skills and attitude for them to strive, succeed and surpass by developing mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills.  

The development of the mathematics curriculum is linked with various subject areas to enable students to apply skills in real life context, and apply and explore skills required for solving problems.  We embed Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the curriculum, but we do not use ICT as a substitute for good written and mental arithmetic. Scientific calculators and ICT tools are used where appropriate. We also recognise that the National Curriculum for Mathematics stresses the importance of inclusion and spoken language in pupils’ development. We ensure that pupils have ample opportunities to express ideas and solutions verbally, using mathematically correct language. We promote learning through inclusion where we focus on all groups of learners.

The ‘Curriculum 21’ development at key stage 3, is focused on the sequencing of lessons and ensuring the most impactful theories of pedagogy are in place for students to recap and review their knowledge, skill and understanding. Through regular recap and review we intend to ensure students embed maths knowledge and skills in their long-term memory and are able to apply this subconsciously in their lives every day.

The Mathematics Department realises that Mathematics does not exist in isolation: Mathematics is relevant to the real world and, where appropriate, many real-life applications and implications are examined. Pupils are expected to apply mathematical reasoning in real-life contexts throughout the curriculum and work cooperatively as team players.

We are committed to developing pupils’ passion for Mathematics, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematical reasoning.

We strive to develop key characteristics and character in students so they become:

  • fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Self-managers and critical thinkers who reason mathematically. Students can independently  investigate problems, they can propose mathematical relationships and prove them.  
  • Independent enquirers and effective participators who solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions
  • Confident in their ability to solve problems in all areas of Mathematics, including Number, Algebra, Ratio, Proportion, Rates of change, Statistics and Probability

We develop students to think hard and empower them to engage in mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in all Mathematics lesson.

At Key Stage 3 students study the following:

Year 7

Curriculum map y8 pi theta delta 1

Year 8

Curriculum map y8 pi theta delta 1

Year 9

Curriculum map y9 pi theta delta 1

At Key Stage 4, you can read about the courses on offer in our Options Booklet

2023 Year 9 Options Booklet

At Key Stage 5, you can read about the courses on offer in our Sixth Form Prospectus

For more detailed information about the Maths curriculum, please email the subject leader Mr M Karim at





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