Staff List

Senior Leadership Team

Name  Role
Ms B Chapple Headteacher
Mr K Smith Senior Deputy Headteacher (Quality of Education)
Mr M Rudland Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral, Behaviour, Character, Community) 
Mr É Casey Associate Deputy Headteacher (Safeguarding)
Ms A Agyei Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral, Personal Development & Attitudes)
Ms V Cassettari Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)
Mr T Porter Assistant Headteacher
Mr T Dean Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education and Curriculum Development) 
Ms C Lazic Business Manager
Mr C Hunter Assistant Headteacher (Quality of Education, Teacher Development)
Ms S Daly PA to Headteacher 

Year Leaders

Name Role Subject
Ms M Steel Year Leader 7 P.E.
Mr R Joseph Year Leader 8 P.E.
Ms C Semon/Ms D Threadwell Year Leader 9 P.E/Performing Arts
Ms G Chakravarthi Year Leader 10 R.E/Citizenship
Ms M Lumsden Year Leader 11 History
Ms A Copsey Year Leader Sixth Form Geography
Mr M Robson Deputy Head of Sixth Form Art

Pastoral Care Centre (PCC)

Name Role
Ms S Cassidy Pastoral Support Team Manager
Ms N Mehrban Deputy Pastoral Manager
Ms Natasha Davis Behaviour Mentor
Ms R Fletcher Pastoral Support Team
Mr R Pike Pastoral Support Team
Mr R McKoy Pastoral Support Team
Ms S Benning Pastoral Support Team
Ms S Badat PCC Administration Manager
Ms S Boparai Pastoral Administrator



Name Role Subject
Mr D Earl Curriculum Leader Art & DT Art
Mr M Robson Teacher Art
Ms D Norton Teacher Art
Ms T Gigg Art Technician Art

Business Studies

Name Role Subject
Ms M Bhutta Acting Curriculum Leader Business and IT Bus & Comm
Mr É Casey Assistant Headteacher Bus & Comm
Ms I Imasuen Subject Teacher Bus & Comm
Mr T Atiumomo Teacher Bus & Comm

Design and Technology, Food and Textiles

Name Role Subject
Mr M Oakins Lead Practitioner Design and Technology
Ms S Buxoo Subject Leader Textiles Textiles
Ms G Barnes Teacher Food Technology
Ms C Kaur Food Tech Assistant Food Technology
Mr P Parkes Design and Technology Technician Design and Technology


Name Role Subject
Ms H Tariq Curriculum Area Leader English
Mr T Bibb Teacher English
Ms M Zahid Teacher English
Ms S Alexandridis Teacher English
Ms M Goel Teacher English
Ms M Bashir Teacher English
Mr T Mahmood Teacher English

French/ Spanish

Name Role Subject
Ms S Ricci Acting Subject Leader French/Spanish
Ms l Proudman Teacher French/Spanish


Name Role Subject
Ms N Weinfass Curriculum Leader & Associate Senior Leader History/Geography
Mr C Hunter Assistant Headteacher History/Geography
Ms M Lumsden Teacher History/Geography
Ms A Copsey Teacher/Head of Year History/Geography
Mr A Aansari Teacher History/Geography
Ms K Akter Teacher History/Geography
Mr J Yusuf Teacher History/Geography

Inclusion Department

Name Role Subject
Ms V Cassettari Inclusion Lead Inclusion Department
Mr S Choudhury Deputy SENCO SEN
Ms A Misfud-Bonnici SEND & Mental Health Co-ordinator SEN
Ms Z Pandora HLTA/English SEN
Ms M Taylor Teaching Assistant SEN
Ms K Sharma Teaching Assistant SEN
Ms L Hakes Higher Level Teaching Assistant SEN
Ms L Swick Higher Level Teaching Assistant SEN
Ms L Eales Teaching Assistant SEN
Mr B Schulte Teacher of the Deaf DEAF
Mr P Watson Teacher of the Deaf DEAF
Ms F Welling Education Communicator DEAF
Ms L Da Costa Teaching Assistant DEAF
Ms A Napier Deputy SENCO  ASD
Ms S Yates Teacher ASD
Mr N Newsam HLTA /P.E. Teacher ASD
Ms Z Bashir Teaching Assistant ASD
Mr F Delaney HLTA ASD
Ms A Basten Teacher ASD
Ms J Nica Lead EAL
Ms E Bradbeer HLTA EAL



Name Role Subject
Mr M Karim Curriculum Leader Mathematics
Mr M Miah Lead Practitioner Mathematics
Mr O Dhani Teacher Mathematics
Ms O Haydari Teacher Mathematics
Mr H Hamid Teacher Mathematics
Mr M Hussain Teacher Mathematics
Mr T Halstead Teacher Mathematics
Ms V Raveendran Teacher Mathematics

Performing Arts

Name Role Subject
Ms D Threadwell Curriculum Leader Performing Arts
Ms D Glaser Teacher Drama
Mr M Rudland Deputy Headteacher Music
Ms A Williams Teacher Music


Name Role Subject
Mr J Middleweek Subject Leader  P.E.
Ms C Semon Second in Charge P.E.
Mr R Joseph Teacher P.E.
Ms M Steel Teacher P.E.
Ms C Marsh School Games Organiser P.E
Mr T Kiani Technician P.E.


Name Role Subject
Ms S Saddique Subject Leader P.S.H.C.E/RE
Ms G Chakravarthi Teacher Responsibility Post R.E
Mr R Olaneye Teacher Responsibility Post and House Co-ordinator P.S.H.C.E. / RE


The Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 

Name Role
Mr É Casey

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Designated Teacher for LAC/PLAC

Senior Mental Health Lead

Associate Deputy Headteacher

Ms S Dattani

Safeguarding Manager

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr M Rudland

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Deputy Headteacher

Ms P Bance Safeguarding Officer
Ms C Regisford Safeguarding Officer
Ms A Agyei

Safeguarding Team

Assistant Headteacher

Ms V Cassettari

Safeguarding Team

Assistant Headteacher

Ms S Cassidy

Safeguarding Team

Pastoral Support Team Manager

Ms A Napier 

Safeguarding Team

Deputy SENCO 


Name Role Subject
Mr J Paton Curriculum Leader Science
Mr N Hussain Deputy Curriculum Leader Science
Ms P Nijher Teacher Science
Mr R Samuel Teacher Science
Mr P Conlon Teacher Science
Mr T Vincent Teacher Science
Ms A Ahmed Teacher Science
Mr R Chowdhury Teacher Science
Ms K Jacobs Senior Science Technician Science
Ms S Suseelan Science Technician Science

Social Sciences

Name Role
Mr J Keens Curriculum Leader
Ms S Piggin Teacher
Ms D Karimov Teacher 
Ms N Akande Teacher

Administration, Education & Student, Staff and Parent Services

Name Role
Ms J Lewthwaite Student, Staff and Parent Services Officer
Ms J Adams Student, Parent and Staff Services Manager
Ms A Torz Student, Parent and Staff Services Officer
Ms R Hurst Student, Staff and Parent Services Officer
Ms J Samuels Student, Staff and Parent Services Officer
Ms B Dayal Admissions and Welfare Officer
Ms D Venner HR Manager
Ms C Conway Media Lead, Careers and Educational Visits Manager
Ms R Curpen Finance Officer
Ms K Smith Examinations Officer
Ms K Dhiman Examinations officer
Mr  M Chowdhry  Data Manager
Ms R Ali Cover Administrator
Mr A Cohen Cover Supervisor
Mr S Ndungo Cover Supervisor
Ms J Vincent Senior Leader Project & Administration Support
Ms  M Protic SLT Administration
Mr S Lakhanpall Sixth Form Attendance and Administration
Ms G Millward Sixth Form Study Supervisor
Ms T Donoghue Sixth Form Study Supervisor

Facilities/ Premises Team

Mr S Goodheart Site Manager
Mr S Shanmuganathan Senior Caretaker
Mr J Boulahlib-Toffs Community Facilities Manager
Mr Y Osman General Assistant Lettings
Ms J Walker Fitness Instructor
Mr S Wesil Fitness Instructor
Ms C Kaur Midday Assistant
Ms P Marchant Midday Assistant
Ms M Taylor Midday Assistant

ICT and Multimedia

Name Role
Mr J Kalmakrian Resources Manager
Mr F Patel IT Systems Manager
Mr J Halstead Senior ICT Technician


Year 10 and 11 students at the Globe Theatre
Please see information that we have been asked to share by Redbridge Police. For further Safeguarding information please visit
You may already know that livestreaming plays a major role in children’s entertainment, with a wide range of personalities influencing young viewers in both positive and negative ways. While watching streamers can be fun, it also comes with significant risks, including misinformation, 💰 financial harms, and ⚠️ inappropriate content. Popular streaming platform Twitch has over 2.5 million viewers at any given time, which is why it’s more important than ever to stay informed. This week’s guide 📖, also available as a podcast 🎧, explores the potential dangers of livestreaming and offers essential insights to help you protect the children in your care.
For all aspiring medics
Fantastic solo performance from Year 10 student Shaun at the Royal Albert Hall.
Year 10 citizenship students at the Houses of Parliament. Students had the opportunity to see both the House of Commons and House of Lords in action and they participated in a petition workshop. 🇬🇧
Another fantastic concert with Caterham's super choir at the Royal Albert Hall. We were proud to have a soloist from Caterham, Sean in Year 10, who is part of the Redbridge Youth Choir. It marked the 25th anniversary of the biannual Redbridge Choral Festival, as well as 60 years of the borough itself and Redbridge Music Service, and 50 years of Redbridge Drama Centre and of course the lovely Kenneth More Theatre. Many thanks to Redbridge Music Service and Redbridge Creates for an outstanding show which included music commissioned by an ex Caterham student again. The music was performed beautifully by the 1800+ children and the awesome Symphony Orchestra. Congratulations to all involved including our newest choir members.
Online multiplayer games like Roblox are enjoyed by millions across the world and can be a great way for friends to socialise; however, they can also expose young people to variety of potential harms. Roblox is a multi-platform game that enables people to play anonymously, which can often be something that attracts people to misuse the game and put younger players at risk of harm. In addition to interacting with random strangers across the world, it’s important to be aware of other risk factors, such as in-game purchases and potential scams that can put young people at risk financially. We’ve created this week’s free guide – also available in podcast format – offering parents and educators expert advice about what can be done to ensure that young people have a safe and enjoyable experience with Roblox.
Congratulations to the students of the week from Year 9.
Many congratulations to the students who competed in the British Judo Championships in Sheffield. Pupils participated in adaptive and VI Event (SEND needs). The students won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Fantastic achievement British Judo Association
Students and Staff had a great time celebrating World Book Day 2025
Year 12 students had the opportunity to go to KPMG and participate in a business style challenge, hear about how to apply for apprenticeships and hear from apprentices currently working at KPMG. KPMG
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