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Student Leadership
Student leadership is an integral part of our school. We believe that students should have the opportunity to participate actively in school life by taking up key roles and responsibilities to contribute and lead on whole school improvements. The opportunities we offer students are wide ranging and enables our students to develop skills and experiences that develop character to prepare them for life as part of a global society. We offer a range of leadership opportunities across the school, whether it be within their form groups, year groups, subject-specific leadership or through leading on whole school priorities.
Our Student Leadership structure is headed up by our democratically elected Head Students. Year 12 students have the opportunity to campaign to be Head Student, supported by our local MP Wes Streeting, and engage the school community with their manifesto. Alongside our Head Students, we have Deputy and Assistant Head Students, that make up our Senior Student Team.
Our Student Middle Leaders are made up of Year 10 students who are Heads of Department across all of our Curriculum Areas, where they work with our staff on their ideas to support the subject. This includes the opportunity to lead assemblies, organise engaging learning environments and run clubs for other students. Our Ambassador role is open to all students and enables our young people to develop key leadership skills in a range of areas. Their responsibilities and duties support positive behaviour around the school as well as supporting at key events throughout the year. All our student leaders are seen as positive role models in their everyday interactions around the school.
Our student voice structure involves every student at Caterham High School. Form Time listening discussions are led by our Form Reps who together form a Year Council for each year group. Our Year Councils respond to the listening and work on school improvements as well as developing a long-term project through our relationships with external organisations. These include:
- Citizens UK
- Eco-Schools
- Amnesty International
Our Executive Council is made up of our Senior Student Leadership Team and three members of each of our Year Councils. It is the main forum for student voice in the school and they are regularly consulted with on whole school priorities. The group meets with the Headteacher on a half termly basis with the ideas and progress fed through the year councils and back to the rest of the student body through form time and assemblies.