Safer Schools Police Officer

Jason pic


I’m PC Go and I am a Safer Schools Metropolitan Police Officer. I work with a number of schools in Redbridge, including Caterham High School. 

I work closely with the schools safeguarding team, to ensure that all students are safe and well. 

My role involves delivering educational workshops and various other engagement work that aims to build trust and confidence with students, and in turn impacts their views of policing in a positive way. Ultimately its’s about providing students with the knowledge and understanding of the law, to ensure they make informed choices and keep themselves safe.

Please say hello or approach me for a chat.


School robbery

The first Redbridge Newsletter from the Neighbourhoods Lead, Supt Butterfield can be accessed by clicking on the following link

Amongst other things, it includes some important messaging around Robbery prevention whilst travelling to/from School. Please read and discuss with you children. Further Safeguarding information can also be found at 

Volunteer Police Cadets: 

For more information, please see below.

Leaflets promoting cadets a5 page0001 2

Useful Advice:

Mobile Phones – Out of Sight is Safer! 

Young people are especially vulnerable to mobile phone theft. Often the offences occur after school hours as children are travelling home from school.

Our advice is simple – ‘ Out of Sight is Safer’.

Is it essential that you child takes their mobile phone to school?

If so please ensure they follow this advice:-

  • Make essential calls from a safe environment – ideally before leaving school premises.
  • Avoid using the mobile phone in public areas or where you feel unsafe.
  • When using your mobile phone remain aware of you surroundings.
  • Always use your phone’s security lock code or PIN number.
  • Keep a secure record of the 15 digit IMEI number which can be found on the box, under the battery or by keying *#06# into your phone.
  • Register your phone details on it’s free, quick and easy.
  • Property mark your phone using UV pen with your postcode and door number.
  • Report a lost or stolen phone to the police immediately.
  • Inform your service provider if your phone is stolen or lost.
  • Keep headphone off to ensure you remain vigilant

In addition, you can help police locate your stolen mobile device and potentially identify suspects by using relevant applications. Please refer to your mobile phone to see if such an application or function exists. For example:-

Find My iPhone –

Android Phone –

Please discuss this issue with your child and above all remind them that their personal safety comes first. Further specialist advice can be obtained from Redbridge Police Crime Prevention & Problem Solving Office on 020 8554 9264.

If you see anything suspicious, call the police – dial 999. Non urgent enquiries can be made through the switchboard on 101.

If you have information about stolen mobile phones or any other crimes please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. You can call anonymously.

  • Avoid quiet roads , alley ways
  • On buses ensure you have planned your route prior to your travel
  • For your own personal safety sit nearest to the driver

Edible Drugs 

As a Schools Team we are aware of the concerns raised recently re Edible Drugs and this being promoted on some social media platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram.

Recently the borough received an “Edibles Alert” from Healthy Young People Southwark after thirteen young people in Camden were admitted to hospital after consuming sweets infused with Cannabis oil.

4b6acf50 3e0e 451a 9c1b 77bbac257c4bAs you may be aware, cannabis can be mixed into cakes (hash brownies), tea, yoghurt or sweets (gummies/lollipops). The amount of cannabis in these products can vary greatly and sometimes other harmful drugs are added too.

The effects of consuming edibles are unpredictable and it can be very easy to accidentally take a larger dose.

Edibles take between 1-3 hours to have an effect because food is absorbed into the bloodstream through the liver. Because it takes longer, the user may end up consuming larger amounts of the drug while thinking the drug isn't working. Overdosing with Edibles can be a greater risk because of this!

We ask that you monitor food packaging/ wrappers at home looking for wording such as CBD or THC suggesting the items are cannabis oil infused. Please be mindful of the medical needs should your child present with such symptoms, or if it becomes apparent they have consumed a drug laced substance.

If you are made aware of any social media accounts advertising these items, we ask you report this information to the Police, School or Crime Stoppers so work can be done around these accounts due to the dangers Edibles present.

Some examples of what some of the sweet packages look like are above and you may also find the link below useful.

Kind Regards

Redbridge Safer Schools Team

Useful Information:

Youth Engagement Groups:

Counter Terrorism:

Protecting Your Mobile Phone:

Staying Safe when travelling:

On foot:


  • If you have a mobile phone then make sure it is out of sight but easily accessible should you need it, also make sure that it is charged.
  • Where possible always walk with someone else.
  • Stay in well lit areas and avoid short cuts through alleyways and other such places.
  • Wherever you go always try to plan your route so that you pass through well lit areas or passing by shops or friends or family’s houses – tell someone about your route i.e. parents or a friend.
  • Avoid situations – if you feel uneasy about a person or people walking ahead of you then cross the road.
  • Avoid walking past parked cars with their engines running and people sitting in them as you could be dragged into a car (this is highly unlikely but following the advice removes the risk).
  • Stay alert – if you have an iPod or personal stereo turn the volume down so that you can hear what is going on around you.
  • Walk on the pavement towards oncoming traffic so that drivers can see you if you need help.
  • Have your house keys ready as you approach your home so that you can get in safely without hanging around outside.
  • If you are worried, frightened or feel you may be in danger then call 999

On trains/tube:

  • If you have a mobile phone then make sure it is out of sight but easily accessible should you need it, also make sure that it is charged.
  • Choose a carriage with several other passengers on it – especially if you are travelling alone.
  • If someone sits near you and makes you feel uneasy then get up and move.
  • At stations try to stay in sight of CCTV cameras
  • Stay alert and be aware – thieves, pickpockets and robbers operate on trains and tubes so keep your property out of sight.
  • If you are worried, frightened or feel you may be in danger then call 999 if you are unable get a reception on your mobile phone then alert a member of staff at the next station.


  • If you have a mobile phone then make sure it is out of sight but easily accessible should you need it, also make sure that it is charged.
  • Travel downstairs on buses – especially if you are alone.
  • If someone sits near you and makes you feel uneasy then get up and move.
  • Try to sit in an aisle seat or sit as close to the driver as possible.
  • Try to avoid lonely/quiet bus stops when waiting for a bus.
  • If you are worried, frightened or feel you may be in danger then call 999 or alert the driver and he/she can contact police.


  • Bullying can take many forms, for example name calling, being pushed, hit, hassled or threatened.
  • Bullying can occur because of numerous reasons, for example your age, disability, faith, gender or sexuality. But whatever the reason bullying is not acceptable.
  • If you are being bullied or know someone who is being bullied then don’t be afraid to let someone know.
  • You could tell a parent, carer, teacher, youth worker, police officer or someone else that you trust.
  • For help and advice on being bullied you can call CHILDLINE on 0800 1111 or speak to the Safeguarding Lead at school - Mr Casey


Page Downloads Date  
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