Learning Support
Assistant Headteacher & SENDCO: Ms Cassettari
The department consists of a highly experienced and committed team, including an Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, an Inclusion Coordinator HLTAs, Teaching Assistants and sepecialist staff. Some of the Teaching Assistants have specific additional responsibilities and may have specialist links with curriculum subject areas or outside agencies working alongside the school.
There are two provisions at the school: a Deaf Provision and an ASD Provision - "The Arch".
The SEND department has responsibility for pupils who have Education, Health and Care plans as well supporting some pupils who are accessing SEN support (“K” learners). This difference is described in more detail in the SEN policy below.
SEND support takes place inside curriculum lessons and also through a range of tailored interventions which may involve students being withdrawn from the mainstream lesson for a defined period of time.
Occasionally students are withdrawn from some curriculum subjects to work on particular skills with the aim of maximising student access to the core curriculum. A small number of students are provided with laptops to support their learning.
At lunchtime there is a lunch club aimed at supporting vulnerable pupils who may have particular difficulties at unstructured times during the school day. This is hosted within the Zen Den and is supervised.
During KS4 some students with SEND are encouraged to take the “Supported Studies” option in place of an additional GCSE course. These lessons aim to maximise access to the GCSE Curriculum in other areas by providing “booster” lessons on topics covered in all other areas of the curriculum with a particular focus on English, Maths and Science.
The SEND department is situated in the main school building. Inclusion is integrated into the main school and there are teaching rooms across the school dedicated to Inclusion. The department has a large classroom with 12 computers for pupils to access. There are several smaller rooms for groups or 1:1.
Each year the school completes a School Information Report which gives more detail about the school’s current offer and contact details about the relevant staff. See below.