
Beginning of Term arrangements - Letter from Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please read this information in the letter carefully and keep it ready for the beginning of next term.

Re: start of term – Tuesday 3rd September 2024 OR Wednesday 4th September 

Please check for specific times and dates for Year groups 

Monday 2nd September 2024 is a Staff Training Day. No students are allowed to come to school on this day. Students who come to school will be sent home. 

  • Tuesday 3rd September: 8.20am Year 7 & 12 
  • Tuesday 3rd September: 12 noon Years 11 & 13 
  • Wednesday 4th September 2024: ALL year groups arrive at 8.20am 

From Wednesday 4th September 2024, all students should be in school at 8.20am. They will go into lessons at 8.25am for a prompt start to Lesson 1 at 8.30am. 

Please remember that there is a Breakfast Club from 7.45am. Students can have a free bagel, and there are some sports activities available. Entrance is by Heathcote Avenue Car Park Gate. 

Travel arrangements: Please ensure that over the summer holiday you check travel arrangements ready for arrival at school at 8.20am. Students must not be late for school as they will miss learning during the first lesson. 

Punctuality to school: Both sets of gates will close at 8.25am promptly. Students who arrive after 8.25am will be deemed to be late to school and will need to report to the Caterham Avenue gate . This enables us to start learning promptly at 8.30am. Please remind your children that punctuality to school is very important. 

Lessons finish at 3pm. Students can leave by either gate. If you are picking up your child please ensure you know which gate they will use to exit the school.  

Below is a reminder of the structure of the school day:  


Key Stage 3 

Key Stage 4 & 5 

Arrive at school  



8.30am to 9.20pm 

Period 1 

Period 1 

9.20pm to 10.10pm 

Period 2 

Period 2 

10.10pm to 11.00am 

Period 3 

Period 3 

11.00am to 11.20am 

Break time 

Break time 

11.20am to 12.10am 

Period 4 

Period 4 

12.10am to1.00pm 


Period 5a 

1.00pm to 1.50pm 

Period 5b 


1.50pm to 2.40pm 

Period 6 

Period 6 

2.40pm to 3.00pm  

Form Time 

Form Time 

3pm to 3.30pm (specific students only) 

Reflection & Restorative (Detention) for specific students only 

Getting organised over the summer! 

Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform and equipment for school in September. Uniform and equipment rules and guidance is on the website. If a family is facing financial hardship, then they should contact the Head of Year on and we will see if we are able to help.  

We have high expectations of our students with regard to uniform. Please note in particular that only one religious bracelet or bangle is allowed. All other jewellery will be confiscated. Please support the school to ensure our students to look tidy and smart. Sixth Form students are expected to wear Business Dress – Sixth Form leaders will discuss infringements with students and offer remedies as appropriate. 

Please also take a moment to read the Behaviour Policy over the summer break so that you and your child are aware of, and are clear about, our high standards and possible sanctions. Please ensure you and your child are aware of our strict phone policy

If you have a Parent Pay account, please top this up ready for September. If you have any issues with Parent Pay please contact Ms Curpen who will be happy to help you: 

Please be aware that the school is closed for the summer holidays from 23rd July 2024 until Monday 2nd September 2024. This means that the telephone will not be answered, we will not respond to TEAMs messages and we will not reply to emails until term starts again. 

We are available for students picking up results or wishing to attend the school for admission to the 6th Form. Please check the school website for details of times and dates. These times however are strictly for results and 6th Form Admissions.

I wish you all the best for a peaceful summer holiday. 

With regards, 

Ms Chapple, Headteacher