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Year 7 Parents’ and Carers Evening: Thursday 6th March 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Year 7 Parents’ and Carers Evening: Thursday 6th March 2025
Venue: Caterham High School.
Times: 3.30 pm – 6.30 pm
We would like to invite you to the Year 7 Parents’ and Carers Evening, which will be held on Thursday 6th March 2025.
The meeting will take place in person and will be in school. It will be an opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers, in a face-to-face meeting, to discuss their learning and progress.
It is essential that you attend this evening as it will provide you with further information about how your child is meeting expectations towards their target grades.
In addition, teachers will share information regarding how your child is currently performing and you will also be given additional subject information as to how you can best support your child at home, as well as revision materials, in order for them to achieve their potential.
Booking your appointments will be made online and the deadline to book an appointment is Wednesday 5th March at 12pm. Attached is the information on how to make your appointments using the following link. https://ecaterham.schoolcloud.co.uk
If you require support with translation on the evening, please let us know and we may be able to support you with this.
If you have problems logging on or questions about the evening, please contact the school on 0208 551 4321 or email welcome@ecaterham.net
Yours sincerely,
Ms Agyei
Assistant Headteacher