Governor Profiles

Introducing the Governors

As the school Governing Body, we are a diverse group of people from different backgrounds who share one common interest: ensuring that Caterham provides the best learning environment for all our students.

As you will see from our bios below, we have a strong commitment to ensuring that we deliver the best experience for all children.

Supporting the school’s strategic direction. The Governing Body focuses in particular on:

Setting and upholding a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding the  Senior Leadership Team (including the Headteacher) to account for the school’s educational performance
  • Making sure the school provides good value for money
  • Promoting the wellbeing of the whole school community
  • Ensuring Safeguarding polices, and protocols are in place to create a safe learning environment for students
  • Engaging with stakeholders.

To ensure these core strategic functions are met, each Governor is expected to devote the time and effort needed to play an individual role within the Governing Body.  Governors also work together co-operatively as a team in order to meet our statutory duties effectively.

As individual governors we are expected to:

  • Become members of one or more Committees
  • Participate in events and training opportunities throughout the year
  • Be willing to take on additional responsibilities such as acting as  link Governor for a specific area
  • Ask searching questions to explore issues further
  • Visit the school during the school day, whenever possible
  • Seek to provide the appropriate balance of support and challenge so that the school fulfils its statutory duties

If you need to contact the Governors to raise any issue , you can do so by letter via the school office.




Anne gross governor

Name Ann Gross
Year Elected/Appointed 2019
School/Committee Chair of Governing Body: Member of both the Standards and Finance Committee
Link Governor Roles  

Personal Statement

Reason for Being a Governor at Caterham:

I joined the governing board as a co-opted governor in February 2019.  I am now the Local Authority Governor and became Chair og Governors in October 2020.  I volunteered to become a Governor when I retired from work - I wanted to make a contribution to my local community in Redbridge and good inclusive schools play a vital role.

Skills I bring to the Governing Body:

I have a long background in education, health and social care - I was a senior civil servant in both Departments.  I want to use my knowledge and skills as a Board member to help all children at Caterham to achieve well and succeed in adult life.

Personal Facts

I have lived in South Woodford for nearly 30 years and my now grown up children went to school locally - I was a parent governor at their primary school.  I am a Trustee of a chrity focused on children's speech and language development, have have a long-standing interest in special educational needs and disability, and improving outcomes for disadvantgaged children.

Fun Fact I am a very keen gardener and grow grapes and figs in my back garden in South Woodford.


Karishma picture 2


Name Karishma Naravane (Vice-Chair)
Year Elected/Appointed 2021
School/Committee Member of Full Governing Body and Standards Committee
Link Governor Roles Link Governor for Safeguarding

Personal Statement

Reason for becoming a Governor at Caterham:

I joined the Caterham Governing Body in October 2021. I am very interested in the education sector and strongly believe that our experiences as well as the skills and confidence we develop as a young person has a huge role in shaping our future. As a governor at Caterham, I am privileged to be able to play a small (but meaningful) part in this journey of the students.

Skills I bring to the Governing Body: 

As a lawyer by profession, I am trained to think critically and analyse facts, which helps me spot areas where things are going well or there is room to improve. I have also had experience in mentoring young people across a range of ages, backgrounds and abilities.

My aim is to use my experience and training to help Caterham continue to grow and provide its students with the best high school experience that they can have and can treasure for life.

Personal Facts:

I was born and grew up in India - completing my primary, secondary and legal education there. I then moved to the UK to start work at a London City firm as a trainee solicitor, which was the start of a new life in the UK. This has given me the perspective of someone who has called two countries (that are quite different from each other in many ways) home.

When I am not working I enjoy catching up with friends and family, playing badminton and following creative and interesting new inventions.

Fun Fact My first job (summer placement in high school) was at a local pizza place where I accidentally spilled Coke on some undeserving (but thankfully forgiving) customers in my first week!





Alexmaug archive photo

Name Alex Mauger
Year Elected/Appointed 2022
School/Committee Full Governing Body; Member the Finance Committee.  
Link Governor Roles TBC

Personal Statement

Reason for becoming a Governor at Caterham:

Having grown up in the area, I joined the governing board to support a local school in achieving their objectives to deliver the highest possible standards and maximise each pupil’s educational experience. I believe all children should reach their full potential regardless of their social background. Working alongside the existing governing members, I feel this role is also a great opportunity to widen my skills and professional development. 

Skills I bring to the Governing Body: My professional career to date has been focused on generating income and savings for three London Boroughs (Havering, Newham and the City of London).  I have also led on contract disputes, income generation projects and general assurance/risk management stratgois including our corporate response to covid-19 and BREXIT.  I have in-depth knowledge of the Public Contract Regulations and have sat on scrutiny boards that validated stratgy and spend before Mayoral approval.  I currently work for Amazon in the project team delivering Amazon Fresh Stores that use 'Just Walk Out' technology as opposed to having checkout tills. Personal Facts: Outside of work I play a lot of sport (at a considerably low standard) including Golf, Tennis and Football.  This includes playing in a football leavue of which we are yet to win a game, in the lowest division.  I am also a keen traveller and hav enjoyed trips across America, South East Asia and Cuba.
Fun Fact My first job (at the age of 17) involved working at the second largest multi-cultural cemetary in Europe.  I ran a bus service for the elderly, buried ashes with families and played requested music at funeral services.


Copyam staff photo



Alex Muhumuza 

Year Elected/Appointed 2023
School/Committee TBC
Link Governor Roles TBC

Personal Statement

Reason for becoming a Governor at Caterham:

I am passionate about supporting young people and communities in realising their full potential. So, it is a privilege to join the governing body where I get to play a part in supporting the team at Caterham to achieve its goals of providing an excellent education and school experience for every student.  

Skills I bring to the Governing Body: 

As an experienced professional in youth work, pastoral support, and project management in widening participation/higher education sector I have enjoyed excelling in organising a range of programmes and activities for students at school, college, and university level. This has involved building and maintaining good relationships with key internal and external stakeholders, providing supportive team leadership, creating evaluation plans, strategic partnership working, and managing projects effectively.  Also, I hold a degree in Business Management and Public Policy and a Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development. 

Personal Facts:

I love sports, music, good food, travelling and being involved in local community projects & politics. 

Fun Fact

I worked for Coca-Cola Enterprises during the London 2012 Olympics. Based at the main Olympic stadium.  



Vanessa rampat photo

Name Vanessa Rampat Maunder
Year Elected/Appointed 2020
School/Committee Member of the Standards Committee.  
Link Governor Roles Link Governor for Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Personal Statement

Reason for becoming a Governor at Caterham:

I have two children that currently attend Caterham. I strongly believe a school should be central to its community, and the voice of the community should be heard in the school. I believe all children should have the opportunity to achieve their potential.

Skills I bring to the Governing Body: 

I have over 20 years of experience working in education and currently work in a local primary school, which gives me a good understanding of our community.  My job is to oversee provision for the pupils that have special educational needs – a role which allows me to support and work in partnership with parents whilst working closely with pupils. I have had extensive mental health training and am currently the lead primary teacher involved in a project with the Redbridge Emotional Wellbeing Team and the Anna Freud Centre.

Personal Facts:

In my spare time I enjoy going to the theatre, watching films, baking and spending time with my family.

Fun Fact At the age of 13 I acted as midwife for the home birth of my little sister!



Garuka serasinghe


Name Garuka Serasinghe
Year Elected/Appointed 2021
School/Committee Member of Full Governing Body and Finance Committee
Link Governor Roles Link Governor for Careers

Personal Statement

Reason for becoming a Governor at Caterham:

I was elected in 2021 as a Governor. As Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the greatest weapon which you can use to change the world” I would like to contribute to the best of my abilities to achieve that

Skills I bring to the Governing Body: 

With over 18 years of experience in Technology and Management, I bring in technology expertise to the Governing Body. I aim to help the school to continuously improve and excel within the Caterham way.

Personal Facts:

I have a Masters in Business Administration, and two Bachelor’s Degrees in Information Technology. I currently work in consulting focusing on Digital Transformation and emerging technology such as Artificial Intelligence. I ama keen amateur photographer and during covid became an amateur baker too. Most of the time you will find me with my headset on listening to history podcasts. 

Fun Fact  I haven’t purchased a single plastic bag since January 2020.



Kelly tran professional photo

Name Kelly Tran
Year Elected/Appointed 2019
School/Committee Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
Link Governor Roles  

Personal Statement

Reason for becoming a Governor at Caterham:

I am of Vietnamese origin and many years ago, I was fortunate to win scholarships to study in the UK. I am very grateful that the high-quality education that I received built a very strong foundation for my career and achievements later on. I strongly believe that all children deserve a good education which can provide a strong start in life. I would like to give back to the community and provide the support to local children and their families, especially those from less privileged backgrounds.

Skills I bring to the Governing Body: 

I am a Chartered Financial Analyst by training, and I have worked in the City for more than 15 years within investment management. I bring financial skills, business acumen as well as people management skills to the Governing Body.    

Personal Facts:

Outside of work, I am a very busy mother of two young boys who really keep me on my toes. I also love playing piano and practising yoga and meditation. 

Fun Fact Being able to play piano while having two children running around is something I am quite proud of in terms of concentration skills!