Work Experience 2025 - Year 10 and 12

Year 12

Work Experience takes place 10th - 14th February 2025


Year 10

Work Experience takes place 12th - 16th May 2025


An unpaid opportunity for students to experience working life, whilst still at school.

A chance for students to develop and practice new skills and become more confident in their abilities

A general experience of work but can be vocational.

May help students refocus on education and form future career choices.

Own Placements

Students should arrange their own placements as far as possible to guarantee the choice, please do not leave it until the last minute

Placements could be anywhere in the UK.

Employers in some occupations prefer a direct approach by students.

Prepare how you dress, what you will say to the employer...why do you want to work there?

Prepare an introductory email.

Check the journey route, times and the cost.

Be realistic about what work you will do in that job role.

Employers must have Employer Liability Insurance and all own placement forms must be completed with all employer details.

Placements will need to pass a pre-placement check carried out by an approved person.

During the Placement

Students will be expected to work business hours.  This is anything up to a maximum of 40 hours per week.

Students must contact the employer if they are ill, running late or attending an appointment.

If there are any issues during your placement please contact the school

Some successful placements can lead to employment or more!